Read in French below (provided by Alain Ferland)
Total Time:93.50
Weather: Lots of sunshine today, no worries about the rain. Temperature above 25C, strong back wind.
Total Distance:2616.39km
Another very nice day on the road today, although it was getting a little hot toward the end. I have already warned you, it's really getting to be a routine here. I don't have much to say that is new.
Here's a couple of pictures and video, but frankly there's nothing that stands out today. I've been sitting in front of this blog post for 25 minutes with nothing interesting to say!
Field of sunflower. This field was 1 mile long, and at least as wide if not more and there's another one as big on the other side.
Enjoying a beer and chips with the gang after the ride.
Here's what it looks like when riding in a peleton (in order of appearance, Daniel, Alain, Gilles and Real)
--- French ---
Distance:129.85 km
Temps: 4:15 h
Temps Total : 93.50 h
Vitesse moyenne: 30.4 km/h
Météo: beaucoup de soleil aujourd’hui, pas de danger de pluie. Température au dessus de 25 degré Celsius. Vent arrière fort.
Total Distance: 2616.39 km
Une autre belle journée sur la route même si cela devenait un peu chaud vers la fin. Je vous avais prévenu : cela devient une routine ici. Je n’ai pas beaucoup à dire.
Voici quelques photos et vidéo, mais franchement il n’y a rien qui ressort aujourd’hui. Je suis assis devant ce blog depuis 25 minutes sans que quelque chose d’intéressant sur ce trajet me vienne à l’esprit !
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