Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 2 - Loop around Vancouver

Read in French (provided by Google Translate)
Time: 4:04
Distance: 77.69 Km
Average: 19.1 Km/h
Weather: Cloudy, 18C, some wind. A tad cold to my taste.
Total Distance: 77.69 Km
Total Time: 4:04
Total Ascent: 722m

Today was a rather short loop around Vancouver, thru Stanley Park. This left plenty of time for us to take the bikes out of the boxes and see if there was any bad surprises. To everyone's great releif nothing major to report. Personally, the only thing that doesn't work is my speedometer. It's not essential, but a very useful tool. I hesitated a long time to bring my gps with me, and finally listened to my inside voice and brought it! Turns out it's going to be my only tool to keep track of the distances and speed. I might consider buying a new one on our next free day.
We had a wonderful proposal this morning. One of our guide is very experienced in cooking, and has proposed to prepare lunches for us! Wow, one less worry to find something potable to eat for lunch. Plus it's certainly going to cost less for the whole group.

The suburbs of Vancouver are surprisingly bike-friendly. The network of cycle paths and designated roads is well developed and very well indicated. Makes it a breeze to move.

What struck me in the suburbs is the fact that you get a very modern house right next to one almost in ruins. There's also a lot of round-abouts. Each decorated differently (not decorated is one "option"). We need to get more round-abouts in Quebec so we can get used to them!!!

One of the many round-abouts crossed today.

The designated road also took us thru very upscale suburb, the vegetation is very elaborate here.

Cypress Street, magistic trees

I stopped in granville island for a quick bite. From what i understand this is an island where all the artists are regrouped! There was a huge food market there, where i treated myself to some fresh, delicious red cherries. It's sad i had to give them almost all of them away because i couldn't carry them back.

Granville Island

A quick stop to Queen's Park. 1 cyclists, but about 3-4 marriages. Bridesmaid are always beautiful, and groomsmen usually make fools of themselves...
Conservatory in Queen's Park. I always thought a conservatory was for studying music. Learn today that it also designate a place to "conserve" plants. Had to come to Vancouver to learn!

Tomorrow we start our trip back toward home.

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